Abby was a student of mine in Uganda 4 years ago. She currently lives in Newquay, England on the west coast. She took a 5 1/2 hour train ride to meet me in London while I took a 4 1/2 hour bus ride to meet her. She lives about as far away from Leeds as you can get. We had a great time together seeing the touristy sights and catching up. Ben was kind to let me go for the night while he stayed back working in Leeds.

Our first stop was in front of the gate at Buckingham Palace. We crammed as much as we could in to our 24 hours in London.

Buckingham Palace.

The park in front of the Palace.

Flowers! Things are starting to green up and bloom. The flowers were beautiful!
Wicked is the number 1 musical in London. We bought our tickets last minutes, so we barely had seats. We sat 5 rows from the top during the first half. At intermission, we found some seats closer. The performance was amazing! The singing and songs were fabulous!

We anxiously await the highly anticipated performance of
The entrance to Westminster Abby.

The London Eye and River Thames.

Big Ben and the Houses of Parlament.

Our last stop before the train. Garfunkels had a delicious lunch of pizza and lasagna for us.